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Speed Kills, Leave your Competitor in the Dust

Whether you are a professional or student athlete, perhaps you are instead training to prepare for a marathon or are just trying to keep I shape this article can aid you in getting your speed and endurance up no matter where you are in your level of physical fitness. The first thing you’re going to want to do, especially if you are starting your training, is to determine a set of goals and writing them down. Putting down goals rather than keep them in your head makes them concrete and keeps you accountable to yourself.

Once you have your goals outlined, set up time to commit to training. This training should consist of a mixture of sprint and endurance running which should be gradual and cumulative. Rather than attempt to hit your goal right out of the gate you should slowly move up to it overtime. While the exact pacing is going to be unique to each individual you should continue to push yourself each time. If you have access to it you should use indoor workout equipment such as a treadmill to aid you with your goals. This will add variety to your workout regimen which you may not have access to when you run outside. Plus, using indoor equipment will also remove any excuse you may come up to run outside in the event of bad weather.

The most important thing you can do to improve and maintain your speed and endurance is consistency. Well thought out and executed plans are great, but without repetition they aren’t much good for you. Understandably for some people it is difficult to adhere to a constant workout schedule. One way to overcome all of this is to be coached by a professional, even a friend or associate will do. You can even simply call a friend to question you about your regular workout, this may work for your benefit by subconsciously pressuring you to sticking to your workout. Moving forward, human beings are creatures of habit; if you maintain the same workout routine overtime your mind and body will eventually adapt and become accustomed to the consistency. Once this happens it will become both mentally and physically easier to improve your speed and endurance.

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